Hello everyone, I would like to announce the launch of our official Online Sequencer Events!
These events are created by frequent users of the site to encourage fellow musicians with new activities to participate in!
If you are new to the site, or if you’re on a creativity block-- it might be a good idea to get started here.
In the future, we plan for small community events that will get experienced users of OS to start peer-to-peer workshops and help new users become better at the site.
Currently, we are introducing Monthly Contests that will entail a specific theme corresponding to the month they are in.
A new contest will start on the 1st and end on the 21st (11:59 PM EST) of every month. These contests will commence by October 2018 and will be released every month after.
For now, if you have any questions to ask about the events, please send me a PM to my main account and I will get to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to support us into making these events, please drop an application by this thread so that we can consider adding you to the group, thank you!
This is a system that we’ll have when making committee posts. Basically each user making a comment in the post will have their profile picture shown before their text to identify the speaker.
This will probably be happening in most if not all committee posts, especially in the monthly contest announcements.
I’ve been pestering Lucent WAY too much to get an announcement out that we actually exist, but it’s here now, so be prepared to have some GREAT events coming in the near future!
Like Online Sequencer? Like events? Want more events in Online Sequencer? Want to actually prove your commitment to the website? I will be starting an Event Planning Committee Discord that will do all these things!
This will be different than our current Discord because one, hopefully it won't die, and two, you will have an equal say of what you want to host in the website. We can initiate meaningful contests and ongoing events to boost the site's activity. Best of all, they're initiated by people like you!
Before I keep going with the overly optimistic monologue, here are a few requirements. Don't worry, these won't be very harsh.
Requirements For Discord Invite:
-A discord account.
-Proof of having an account for at least 3 months.
-Proof of having at least 50 distinct sequences, if you have any outside of your account, please add this to the total.
-Name at least 5 people that I am aware of on the site. More, the better.
-Good standing with the OS community and its' staff.
-Consistent activity on the site.
Interested? Please post below! Questions and comments? Also post! I will be checking this thread regularly.
I have reacted to your post accordingly.
means that you have been automatically accepted. I know you well, I know you have good intentions to support the site and the community!
means that you have been accepted. I don't know you that well, but you still meet all requirements of above. I expect some good work.
means you were dejected for not being able to follow requirements, or for behavior reasons.
means you have been filed for further consideration. I know you, but I will still need to see a better demonstration for what you can contribute to this group.
means I would like to consider you for the committee, but due to long periods of inactivity, you have not been accepted. Please demonstrate a frequent attendance in OS.
means I have doubt over your ability to communicate with people in the chat, you should be able to communicate well to create good events. Please demonstrate respectable social behavior. Otherwise, you fit the other rules.
Tired of going back and forth the forums to find the contest you need? Want to see contests you've probably overlooked? I've listed all the ongoing ones here. (The list has not been completely verified yet, but I made sure to exclude all the contests that have ended.)
I only made this because I got bored and it probably doesn't work, but someone might find it useful. Its a single file that has the whole website in; open it and you can compose things without the need for internet access! Save your work to a local file and you can later load it in either the offline or online version.
This is a list of members on Online Sequencer who allow these certain permissions for reposting (or remixing) their sequences. This is made in response to some people complaining about other people stealing their sequences and so forth. And an excuse for moderators to actually do things on the site.
Keep in mind that this will not guarantee that inspired links won't be made by people who don't read this thread. However, when requested, we can delete a sequence for you. If sequence infringement is deliberate by a certain member, we will hand out warnings accordingly.
For now, you can notify the admins through PMs/Chat/Discord, or you can post below on what permissions you allow for your sequences. We hope this thread will be beneficial towards the community!
Reposting Permissions Reposting is completely acceptable. Reposting is acceptable, but please notify me when you do. Reposting can be acceptable, but please notify me first before saving a copy. Reposting is NOT acceptable.
Remixing Permissions
Remixing is completely acceptable. (✓)
Remixing is acceptable, but please notify me when you do. (OK)
Remixing can be acceptable, but please ask me permission first. (ASK)
Remixing is NOT acceptable. (✗)
List of Members: LucentTear (ASK) seadawg (✓) Flonk (✓) Guest (✓) Note: Reposting acceptable unless it exceeds view count of the original. MTN-HNG (✓) Muhngkee (✓) Tests (✓) AmAnAesthete(✓) NotAnAesthete(✓) sogabaxe (✓) Instantly Meatified (✓) Calico (✓) Risviltsov (✓) Verti (✓)
In light of recent events: It's alright to talk about (almost) any topic in the public chat, but being consistently negative and bringing other people down is grounds for a permanent ban. Not trying to silence anyone or prevent meaningful conversations from happening, but I want this community to be a positive, inclusive place. Feel free to discuss in this thread or elsewhere.
Posted by: Jacob_ - 11-17-2017, 12:50 AM - Forum: News
- No Replies
1. Keep it civil and chill. Harassment, abuse, hate speech, disrespect towards other members will not be tolerated. This includes profanity directed at others.
No racist, ableist, or sexual/homophobic slurs, regardless of context. Alluding to the use of slurs will be treated as if the slur was said
Be respectful even when you disagree. Discussion of controversial topics that descend into personal insults will likely result in muting.
2. No discussion of nsfw topics. (NSFW = not safe for work, meaning you wouldn't be comfortable opening it at work or in class).
3. No spam (repeated messages lacking meaningful content).
4. No excessive promotion of your own content. Includes sequences, other websites, Discord servers, etc.
5. Do not disclose any personal information or private messages without the other person’s permission.
6. Do not use multiple accounts to evade punishment or pretend to be someone else.
7. No online dating.
8. Creating forum threads/messaging a moderator to be unmuted will likely result in a ban.
9. No public posting of links to external forms of unmoderated communication/user-created content (such as chatrooms, zoom calls, kahoot quizzes, discord servers, etc.) (Sending links privately is allowed.)
10. No sequences that are intended to annoy the listener. If your sequence is loud, put a warning in the title.
11. Saving edited versions of sequences that you did not make is allowed and encouraged, but don't copy someone else's work and try to claim it as your own. These will be deleted.
12. You must be 13+ years old to use the website chat.
Breaking the rules can result in:
- Being unable to use chat for up to 1 week.
- A temporary ban from the whole website for up to 1 week.
- A permanent ban from the whole website for eternity.
If you believe you were wrongly punished, please contact jacob@buildism.net
I want to add more synth instruments, since they support longer notes and don't use any bandwidth, but I don't know anything about audio synthesis. If you can come up with a JS function that plays a sound given the note name and length I might decide to make it a new instrument! Here is the code for the 8 bit instruments to start with: https://pastebin.com/AWTDnsCG
Note: All questions here will be answered in the quickest, and probably most sarcastic way possible. I'm tired of having newcomers ask the same things on this site. The list will change accordingly. If you got anymore questions, just ask them here on this thread.
Q: How do you change the note length so that it is greater than a 1/2 note?
Please note that doing this will not affect the actual sound length of the note in the sequencer, and is only useful for exporting as MIDI. Please also note that this is an old tutorial, and while it still works, you do not have to look for the "Experiments" tab in order to change the lengths of notes.
There are two ways of finding this number out, one is to click your name where it says at the top right, "Welcome back <username>!" You should be redirected to a link similar to the one above. The last four numbers of that link is your User ID.
The second method is to click on your name on a comment while you are in the "Chat" menu. You should be redirected to a link similar to https://onlinesequencer.net/forum/member...rofile&uid=#### The last four numbers of that link is your User ID.
Q: How do you delete your sequences?
A: Look for the button that says "Delete" on the published sequence.
Q: Why is this site terrible?
A: Try pressing Ctrl+W and see if that helps.