The entry period is from 5/1 ~ 5/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 5/31!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although we don’t recommend entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
I’m excited to see what you all come up with! Good luck!
I think of things that make me happy like hanging with friends and jamming. So in this song, I did more acoustic instruments. I find that music box gives it a happy feeling. Major chords will also make your song happy and give it that cheery vibe. Piano left hand arpeggios sound really nice and bright.
But this is my interpretation. Happiness can be brought out in many ways. Let your’s shine through your piece and yeah. Anything can be cheery in a major chord progression. Be creative.
The World Update doubled the number of available instruments, but it's become apparent that this is not sufficient. Therefore, the upcoming update will feature every known instrument in the universe.
12 string guitar 17-string bass koto accordina accordion acoustic bass guitar acoustic fretless guitar acoustic guitar aeolian harp afoxé Afuche/Cabasa agogô ajaeng akete alfaia algozey alphorn alto clarinet alto flute alto saxophone alto viol alto violin amadinda aman khuur analog synthesizer Anglo concertina ankle rattlers anvil Appalachian dulcimer archlute archtop guitar arghul arpeggione arrabel ashiko atabaque atarigane autoharp baandu baglama bagpipe bajo sexto balafon balalaika Baltic psalteries bamboo angklung bandoneón bandora bandura bandurria bangu bangu banhu banjitar banjo banjo-ukulele banjolin bansuri barbat baritone guitar baritone horn baritone saxophone baroque guitar baroque rackett baroque trumpet barrel drum barrel organ baryton bass bass clarinet bass drum basset clarinet basset horn bass flute bass guitar bass harmonica bass oboe bassoon bass pedals bass recorder bass saxophone bass synthesizer bass trombone bass trumpet bass viol Bass Viol bass violin Batá drum bawu bayan bazooka bell bellow-blown bagpipes bell tree bendir berda berimbau bhapang bicycle bell bin-sasara birbynė birch lur bisernica biwa Blaster Beam boatswain's pipe bodhrán body percussion bolon bombarde bones bongos boobam boomwhacker bouzar / gouzouki bouzouki bowed piano bowed psaltery bowed string instruments brass brač bronze lur brushes bugarija bugle buisine buk bulbul tarang bullroarer button accordion buzuq caixa cajón calabash calliope carillon castanets cavaquinho caxixi celesta cello Cembalet chacha chakhe chalumeau chamberlin chamber organ chande chanzy chap Chapman stick charango chau gong chikuzen biwa chime bar chimes ching chirimía chirimía and drum chitarra battente chitra veena chromatic button accordion chromatic harmonica chuurqin cimbalom cimbasso citole cittern cizhonghu clapper clapstick clarinet classical guitar classical kemençe claves clavichord Clavinet claviola clavioline claviorganum clogging concert flute concert harp concertina conch concussion idiophone congas continuum contrabass clarinet contrabass flute contrabassoon contrabass recorder contrabass saxophone cor anglais cornamuse cornet cornett cowbell craviola Cretan lyra Cristal Baschet crotales crumhorn crwth cuatro cuíca cylindrical drum cymbal cò ke cümbüş daegeum daf daire daluo danso darbuka daruan davul Denis d'or descant recorder / soprano recorder dhol dholak diatonic accordion / melodeon diddley bow didgeridoo dilruba ding tac ta disk drive diyingehu dizi djembe djoza dobro dohol dolceola dombra domra donso ngɔni doshpuluur double bass double reed doyra dramyin drum machine drums (drum set) druⅿ machine druⅿset Dubreq Stylophone duck call duduk duggi dulce melos dulcian dulcitone dulzaina dunun dutar duxianqin E-flat clarinet ebow effects ektara electric bass guitar electric cello electric fretless guitar electric grand piano electric guitar electric harp electric lap steel guitar electric piano electric sitar electric upright bass electric viola electric violin electronic drum set electronic instruments electronic organ elektronium end-blown flute English concertina English flageolet erhu esraj euphonium EWI farfisa fiddle fife finger cymbals finger snaps fipple flute five-string banjo flabiol flageolet flamenco guitar floppy disk drive flugelhorn flumpet flute flûte d'amour folk harp foot percussion foot tapping fortepiano four-string banjo fourth flute frame drum free reed French horn fretless bass friction drum friction idiophone frottoir fujara fundeh gadulka gamelan gankogui ganzá gaohu garifuna drum garklein recorder gayageum gehu gemshorn gendèr geomungo German concertina German harp ghatam ghaychak ghijak gittern gizmo glass harmonica glass harp glockenspiel goblet drum gong gong bass drum gourd mouth organ gralla gramorimba grand piano Gravikord great bass recorder / c-bass recorder Greek baglama guan guban gudok guitalele guitar Guitaret guitar family guitarrón chileno guitarrón mexicano guitar synthesizer guitorgan gumbri guqin gusli gut guitar guzheng güira güiro haegeum hammered dulcimer Hammond organ handbell handclaps handpan hard disk drive hardingfele harmonica harmonium harp harpejji harp guitar harpsichord Hawaiian guitar heckelphone heike biwa helicon hi-hat hichiriki hmông flute horn hotchiku hourglass drum hue puruhau hue puruwai hulusi huqin hurdy gurdy hydraulophone hyoshigi härjedalspipa idiophone igil Indian bamboo flutes Irish bouzouki Irish flute Irish harp / clàrsach janggu jeli ngɔni jew's harp jing jing'erhu jinghu jouhikko jug junjung k'lông pút kachva sitar kagurabue kamalen ngɔni kamancheh kanjira kanklės kannel kantele kanun kartal kaval kazoo kemenche kemençe of the Black Sea kettle drum keyboard keyboard bass keyed brass instruments keytar khene khim khlui khong wong khong wong lek khong wong yai khulsan khuur khèn Mèo kinnor ki pah kithara kkwaenggwari klong khaek klong song na klong that klong yao kokle kokyu komuz kora kortholt koto kotsuzumi krakebs krap krap khū krap phuang krap sēphā krar kudüm kèn bầu kèn lá kös kōauau kōauau ponga ihu lamellaphone langeleik laouto lap harp lap steel guitar laser harp lasso d'amore launeddas lautenwerck lavta laúd limbe lirone lithophone liuqin low whistle lute luthéal lyra viol lyre Lyricon madal maddale mandocello mandoguitar mandola mandolin mandolute mandora / gallichon maracas marimba marimba lumina mark tree Marxophone marímbula mbira mellophone mellotron melodica membranophone mendoza metal angklung metallophone Mexican vihuela mijwiz Minimoog minipiano mirliton Moog morin khuur morsing mouth organ mridangam mukkuri musette de cour musical bow musical box musical saw nabal nadaswaram nagadou-daiko nagak nai naobo natural brass instruments natural horn natural trumpet ney nguru ngɔni njarka nohkan Northumbrian pipes nose flute nose whistle nyatiti nyckelharpa nylon guitar oboe oboe d'amore oboe da caccia ocarina ocean drum octave mandolin octavilla octavina octoban octobass oktawka olifant omnichord ondes Martenot ondioline ophicleide organ orpharion orphica Otamatone other instruments oud oval spinet pahū pahū pounamu paiban paiban pakhawaj pan flute pang gu ly hu hmông Paraguayan harp pardessus de viole pedal piano pedal steel guitar percussion percussion idiophone phách pi Pianet piano piano accordion piano spinet piano trio piccolo piccolo oboe piccolo trumpet pi nai pipa pipe and tabor pipe organ piri pkhachich plucked idiophone plucked string instruments pocket trumpet poi poi āwhiowhio porotiti Portuguese guitar post horn practice chanter prepared piano primero psaltery pí thiu pākuru pātē pōrutu pūkaea pūmotomoto pūpakapaka pūrerehua pūtātara pūtōrino qilaut quadruple reed quena quijada quinto rainstick rammana ranat ek ranat kaeo ranat thum ratchet rauschpfeife ravanahatha Reactable rebab rebec reco-reco recorder reed organ reeds regal rehu renaissance rackett repeater repinique request it resonator guitar Rhodes piano rhythm sticks riq rondador rototom ruan rubab rudra veena ryuteki rōria sabar sackbut saduk samba whistle samica sampler sanshin santoor santur sanxian sarangi Saraswati veena sarod saron sarrusophone sasando satsuma biwa saw duang saw sam sai saw u saxophone saxophone quartet saz Schwyzerörgeli Scottish smallpipes scraped idiophone segunda Serbo-Croatian tamburica orchestra serpent setar shaken idiophone shakers shakuhachi shamisen shawm shehnai shekere sheng shichepshin shime-daiko shinobue sho shofar shruti box shudraga siku singing bowl single reed sistrum sitar slenthem slentho slethem slide brass instruments slide guitar slide whistle slit drum snare drum song loan sopilka sopranino recorder sopranino saxophone soprano clarinet soprano flute soprano saxophone soprano violin sousaphone Spanish acoustic guitar spilåpipa spinet spinettone spoons steel-string guitar steel guitar steelpan string quartet strings string trio Stroh violin struck idiophone struck string instruments subcontrabass recorder suikinkutsu suka suling suona surbahar surdo sursingar swarmandal Swedish bagpipes synclavier synthesizer syrinx sáo meò sáo trúc sênh tiền t'rưng tabla table steel guitar tabor tack piano taepyeongso taiko taishogoto talharpa talkbox talking drum tamborim tambourine tambura tanbou ka tanbur tangent piano tanpura taonga pūoro tap dancing tape taphon tar tar taragot tarota tef te kū telharmonium temple blocks temür khuur tenora tenor banjo tenor guitar tenor horn / alto horn tenor recorder tenor saxophone tenor trombone tenor viol tenor violin thavil theatre organ The Great Stalacpipe Organ theorbo theremin thon thon and rammana thon and rammana three-hole pipe Tibetan water drum tible ti bwa timbales timpani tin whistle tinya tiple tiêu tololoche tom-tom Tonette tonkori topshuur toy piano traditional basque ensemble transverse flute trautonium treble flute treble recorder / alto recorder treble viol treble violin tres triangle trikiti tritantri veena tromba marina trombone tromboon trumpet trumpet family tràm plè trắng jâu trắng lu trống bông tuba tubax tube zither tubon tubular bells tubulum tumbi tumutumu tungso Turkish baglama turntable txalaparta txistu typewriter tzoura tōkere udu uilleann pipes ukeke ukulele unspecified drum upright piano vacuum cleaner valiha valved brass instruments valve trombone veena venu vessel flute vibrandoneon vibraphone vibraslap vichitra veena video game console vielle Vienna horn Vietnamese guitar vihuela viola viola caipira viola d'amore viola da gamba Viola da Gamba viola organista viol family violin violin family violin octet violino piccolo viololyra violoncello piccolo violone violotta virginal vocoder voice synthesizer vuvuzela Wagner tuba Warr guitar washboard washtub bass waterphone wavedrum whip / slapstick whistle willow flute wind chime wind instruments wind synthesizer wire-strung harp wood block wooden fish woodwind wot Wurlitzer electric piano xalam Xaphoon xiao xiaoluo xun xylophone xylophone xylorimba yangqin yatga yaylı tanbur yehu yonggo yoochin yu yueqin zabumba zarb zhaleika zhonghu zhongruan zhuihu zill zither zurna çevgen ütőgardon čelo đing buốt đing năm đàn bầu đàn nguyệt đàn nhị đàn tam đàn tam thập lục đàn tranh đàn tứ đàn tứ dây đàn tỳ bà ģīga ōtsuzumi šargija żafżafa żaqq żummara
Improved Collaboration
We've noticed an increase in collaborative composition, which is great to see. To better facilitate this, we will be launching an app to help you find people who compose in a compatible musical style. When two members mutually agree that they would be a good fit, they'll be able to access private voice and video chat to make it easier to work together.* Here is a prototype screenshot of the UI, based on similar apps that have achieved success for other use cases.
* Inappropriate usage of the video chat will be strictly prohibited.
Hello Online Sequencer! As we’re now about to be heading into mud season (unless you live somewhere that doesn’t experience that), it’s time to announce the April Monthly Contest.
This month’s theme is simple: make some music fit for a rainy day.
Oh, and we’re also bringing back the example sequences (and I suppose I should also post the general rules here as well)!
General Information
The entry period is from 4/1 ~ 4/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 4/30!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although we don’t recommend entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I’m excited to see what you all come up with! Good luck!
Hey everybody! I got some example sequences just to give you guys an idea of what’s goin’ down.
Credit to Wafels and whoever discovered the pizzicato trick, but in this example I have here, you can simulate rain by taking the Drum Kit and turning the volume way down. You can play around with the slap, cymbals, and hi-q in a random order with reverb to get that crisp sound of water droplets hitting the ground. (Or you can just copy and paste mine. ;D)
To make thunder, turn your pizzicato down low and make a small wall of notes (preferably on the scale). The preferred range of notes goes from C2 to about E3. Adding delay and reverb to top it off, and boom, you got yourself some thunder.
As for the music itself. Go for anything that could make you imagine a rainy scenario. Perhaps you want to go for the classic rainy cafe jazz. Or perhaps you want to make a tribal african rain dance. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Get creative with it.
Speaking of Guest’s idea of a rainy jazz cafe, let’s take that idea and turn it on its head, shall we? Instead of dark and gloomy, while it might be raining outside, the clouds are a bright white and it’s midday. While there’s certainly a band in the cafe, it’s not playing a slow, dreary, tune, but instead one that’s more upbeat but calm, providing a relaxing break from the mundane midday of the outside world. What music would you think of in a scenario like this? Well, here’s my answer to that question.
Speaking of which, is it just me, or does no one ever try to go for the bright, cloudy midday (with or without rain) scenery. It’s always either clear skies with the sun beating down, a dark and gloomy night (oftentimes with rain), or a scenic sunset.
This is probably the single, most worst event that has ever occurred to the internet, and has made it the worst day in the entire history of the internet.
Small channels and content creators all over the web, like my own, will be wiped out by the new laws. Such websites as YouTube have stated that they will not allow anybody within the EU to upload anything onto their platform, many other sites will most likely follow suit to this trend. Content creation is one step closer to being completely *****ed.
I'd suggest you guys raise awareness to the issue and cause a bigger uproar to the problem at hand. We need them to realise that what they're doing isn't "protecting copyright laws", it is *****ing the world wide web up completely, in the present, and the forseeable future. The government officials have zero idea what they are doing, and how this will effect the internet as an entirety.
Furthermore, if you live outside of the EU, do not back down and go into a "I don't care" state. This colossal change to the internet will also effect you. Most websites, such as YouTube, use the strictest laws in a given area as their entire security and rule system, as this is easier to do, and makes it easier to uphole the laws of the stricter areas. Thus, this will effect you. There is no doubt about it.
Hello Online Sequencer! It’s time to announce the March Monthly Contest! We haven't been getting much, participation this year in the previous contests, but this is a much simpler theme like the ones in the beta contests, so maybe that'll help?
Anyway, since this month will mark it being 1 year since the world update (to the month, that is) this month's theme is to make a song using just the instruments that were added in the world update! In case you don't know exactly which instruments those are, here's a list of them.
Church Organ
Electric Drums
Jazz Guitar
Music Box
Muted Electric Guitar
Pop Synth
Ragtime Piano
Slap Bass
Steel Drums
Synth Bass
808 Bass
808 Drums
Distortion Guitar
8-Bit Drums
Good luck to you all!
NOTE: this does not mean that you have to use all of the instruments in the list, you just can't use instruments that aren't in the list.
Hello Online Sequencer! It’s time to announce the February Monthly Contest! We have a very special 2 themes for this month!
Sorry that this got deleted, none of us have any idea on how this happened. We've decided to push the deadline back 2 days because of this, so you'll now have until the 24th to submit entries.
There is a couple rule changes that we have to make. This time you cannot place in both themes. However, you are allowed to enter in both categories still to maximize the chance of getting points from at least one theme. If you were to place in both themes, you would get leaderboard points for whichever theme you placed higher on. Secondly, you can only enter one sequence into each theme.
We sadly don’t have any example sequences. My bad, I completely spaced it on preparing for this month. However, it shouldn’t matter because of what the themes are this month.
The first theme is to remix a song that another user has made! Preferably this song would be an original song or a partially original song made by that user.
The second theme is to make a song in the style of another user! I’m really excited to see what you guys come up with in this one!
As always, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
Good luck, and may the creativity flow through you!
Hello everyone, I hope everyone has had a good start to their year so far!
Although I haven’t really started on new projects on the site in a while, I’ve made some resolutions over the month to improve writing stuff in Korean. Been progressing much further in this one month than I did a year ago, often I would just pick the language up and throw it away after some time.
So you can ask me… simple questions in English so I can reply in Korean! It would really help.
What have your resolutions been for January? Crushed any bad habits? Anything you’ve learned to do during the month? Feel free to reply to the thread!
Oh, and Wafels I love you. Please love me back. :’)
January… was slow. Awfully slow. I obviously lied about getting back into the groove for last month, but nonetheless January was slow. Probably the least productive month so far with the fewest entries being entered in the contest.
The Millionth Sequence event is still in play, we just kinda forgot to let you know about it all last month. At this time we’re accepting specific time ranges we still need. We’re not accepting any original sequence made after 1m duh, but please get them in when you guys can!
We made a new Grand Leaderboard so we don’t have to worry hard on that one. I finally updated the January Ongoing Events hub a week ago but it’s February now so I gotta update it again. Goshdarn.
I’ve talked to JHXC earlier in the month for his prizes and stuff. If you guys didn’t know, one of his prizes was to decide a Monthly Contest theme for this year! We have that settled but we’ll announce it once the month for it actually comes. Now if I stop drawing other things, I can start working on the digital illustration he was supposed to receive. A month ago.
Pssssst. Jacoooob? Can you please re-add the event banner to the top of the forum page? I promise to use a different font for it! Can you also add the OS Achievements soon so I don’t have to get too worried about it? Kaaay, thaaanks.
Let’s get into the details of this month, shall we? Well, there aren’t a lot. It’s probably gonna remain the same for the next several months or so. I’ll just be complaining about something else each time.
February’s the season of love and affection! And appreciation! Mostly appreciation.
If you appreciate your fellow composers on this site, please participate in the February Monthly Contest! Not only do you have an excuse to express your gratitude to them, if you actually love them you can be super lowkey about it and no one will notice. In fact…
If you’re reading this on February 14, you can shout out someone you love on this thread and get a free OS point! I just want to make sure people are reading these. Has to be 2/14!
As mentioned before, we are still holding the Million Sequence event but are only accepting original entries made before 1m. To clarify, your REMIX can be done on a sequence after 1m, but the ORIGINAL must exist before 1m.
Alright, now I feel like I’m dragging this post on. Someone get me a FunDip already.
Sorry that this is so sudden, and that it’s really close to when the entry period ends, but it has come to our attention that we need to update one of the rules regarding the monthly contests.
You see, many of the winners of previous contests had to go up against 20 or more entries, and, well, this monthly contest only has 7 entries. Therefore, to keep things as fair as possible between all the users, we’ve decided that if there are not enough entries in a monthly contest, we’ll reduce the number of winners announced accordingly.
Here are the ranges of entries for the number of winners to be announced.
Hello everyone, I hope you all had fun over the holidays, I know I didn't.
Holidays aren't great. Vacation time is, but people pulling me around to every single holiday party can be a real headache.
In fact all of December was just stressful, though, finals week actually wasn't that bad. Since I'm a person who still lives under my parents' house, they're still pushy and angry and do whatever finals week parents do. I won't get into any detail since I think all of you know where this is going.
All I wanted to do was just stay home and play video games. That explains why I haven't been on the site for the past week, and it also kinda affected my mentality on how the events were going.
With that being said, we started December doing great things. We had a nice beefy Monthly Contest going on, a Christmas gift giving event, and finished one million sequences right before the year was due.
We could have finished December on a strong note, but then my brain just sort of decided to jump ship and neglect all my responsibilities as the main event admin. Fun.
Now I know this year that I shouldn't burden myself with a bunch of tasks during December and start making everything easier to do. By this I should probably work on everything regarding OS Events for the whole year starting this January.
But for right now, I'll just list out the things that were supposed to be finished in December but never got to due to me being a lazy bum. I hope you guys are glad that you aren't the ones preparing for these events.
OS Present Wrapping!
-Forgot to keep track of presents because hardly anyone was sending me things.
-Didn't announce presents on Christmas.
-Will probably never distribute 2018 points at this point.
-Might compensate participants with... 1 OS point this year? I'll ask Kirby.
A Million Sequences of Making Music Online.
-New submissions won't be accepted at this point, but we're waiting on one really important one. The person of this sequence is really busy with college though.
-Songs have been sorted out but we're still trying to put them in a good order. So far we literally only have 3 songs that are in order.
-We'll get it done... soon.
Grand Leaderboard
-I didn't vote on the entries for the December contest until last minute, then I cold-shouldered Kirby so he'd be convinced to let me vote. If you're reading this Kirby I'm not actually doing it on purpose, I just freaked out on it.
-The final 2018 leaderboard hasn't been uploaded yet and I'll probably ask Kirby for the final scores again so I can do it ASAP.
Event Consistency
-This post is one day late.
-Didn't update new events on the Current Events hub.
-Didn't update the "Winners Announced!" on the December contest until now.
-Didn't create banner for the January 2019 Monthly Contest.
-Didn't remove the "NEW!" from the Events banner on the top of the forums.
-Didn't update any documents in our Events Committee Discord so now my OCD is really hitting me.
-Had to edit the January contest thread for small details.
Prize Distribution
-The "Digital Trophy" drawing that I was supposed to start on... was never started on. Whoever the grand winner is, please come and talk to me because there's a certain way I wanted to do it and it'll need your input.
-The OS Achievements haven't arrived as a function yet, but the badges for the events are complete. I'll need to ask Jacob whenever I'm feeling in the mood to ask.
-Here's my undying gratitude to all the participants of the 2018 Beta Events. I hope you guys enjoyed these events as much as we enjoyed making them.
Now that's all listed out, there should be no excuse for me not doing these. My goal for these events was to make each one of them flexible to whatever you guys want to do, as well as some experimentation from our department.
Like the cherry on top, I also wanted to present these events as nice as possible. Little things like the banners or formatting of the posts can change a lot about how one views these threads. A little professionalism goes a long way.
I'd like to think of this blog as a sort of reflection because last month in particular really made me think over the events. So if anything, I'd like to fix my faults from there and make it a New Year's resolution to do better for 2019.
Once again I'd like to thank you guys for staying on the sequencer, and I hope you guys make some good resolutions too.
Hello everyone and welcome back! It’s officially time to kick off the 2019 Monthly Contests! I hope that you’re all ready!
As it’s the start of the new year, the theme is to compose a sequence a new genre for you! Just pick any genre you’ve never composed in before and compose a sequence in it!
The entry period is from 1/1 ~ 1/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 1/31!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although we don’t recommend entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed. Please make it as creative as possible while applying the contest’s theme.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
Committee Notes
Hopefully you haven’t composed in all the genres there are! You probably haven’t though….. Anyway, this is relatively self-explanatory, but there was good feedback about the example sequences on the survey, so let’s keep going why not?
I haven’t ever composed in ragtime before, so that’s what I decided to do as an example sequence. Ragtime is relatively simple, using only 2 hands, the left being for alternating between a bassline and chords and the right being for the melody itself. Rag usually has a jumpy melody with notes being both on and off beat.
I decided to try my hand at composing atonal music.
I have never intentionally made something sound so… Interesting... before.
The idea of atonality is to make it not fit into standard harmony. Which I think I managed… It does kind of sound like just a bad sequence, but it’s intentional so it’s art.
It tells a little bit of a story. The GP represents mountains that a character (EP) must overcome. In some spots you can see that he goes over some and simply goes around others.
At the end, the mountains give way to flat ground and the man can rest.