Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2020 March Monthly Contest!
I'm sure you'll have a ball with this month's theme. Make your best waltz music!
General Information
The entry period is from 3/1 ~ 3/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 3/31/2020!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
I will be doing a top 10 video in front of a green screen or something like that. I will be announcing the best Composers, Instruments, Songs, best updates etc.
So please put your ideas down below as well as the top 10 stuff.
Today I have an idea for a mega collab song. I want the best of the best composers on this.
This song will be a collection of different styles people compose in.
This song will also be linked at least with a central core element or motif to make the parts conjoin together and have smooth fluidity.
Each person shall compose between 16 and 32 measures (HOPEFULLY USING A HIGH BPM) Well but Alex, the other megacollabs failed because of structure and lack of initiative
Well, I can't answer for the second one, however, I have an idea on how we structure this song.
1. Piano Melodic Opening
2. Retro Game
3. Dungeon Rock
4. Chill Ambient
5. Jazz Smooth
6. Synthetic EDM
7. Baroque symphonic
8. OS Pop
9. Modern or Early Rock
10. Heavy Symphonic Metal
11. Ethereal Melodics
13. Jazz Experimental
14. A jumble of All of the Above to End it off with a bang.
15. Closing Piano
Please reply to the thread if you are interested. Thanks and make music
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2020 February Monthly Contest!
This one is quite special, as it is the 2019 winner's theme choice contest! This month's theme is epic music. Write your best climactic sequences that tell a story!
General Information
The entry period is from 2/1 ~ 2/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 2/29/2020!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
-Online Sequencer Podcast (I am the host, people talk about many things about music production)
- OS daily or every other day (Basically record the sequence and post it on the channel)
- DAW Music. (requires even more proof of artist)
- Recommended plugins and soundfonts (Probably be only once a week though)
What does that mean:
-submit your best music down below and any other socials you want to promote. Must be originals.
-If you want to be in the podcast, DM me on discord @Dat Alex#3000
-DAW music must be original.
But where will the monetization money go?
-We cant monetize till we get 1000 subs
-The money will be made to help fund future projects like Online Sequencer Convention
Welcome to Online Sequencer Podcast.
Filmed Tuesday, Jan 6, 2020
This is our first episode and hopefully not the last. The team and I put a lot of work into this. Please like and share https://onlinesequencer.net/
Hello Online Sequencer! Welcome to the new year! It's time to kick off the 2020 Monthly Contests!
It's time to get rallied up! The first theme of the year will be to create fighting music!
General Information
The entry period is from 1/1 ~ 1/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 1/31/2020!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to relaxing to what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
So, it appears that the old December Monthly Contest Thread has been deleted. If the old thread cannot be retrieved, the deadlines will be pushed back to ensure that everyone who has previously entered gets in. If you entered a sequence on the previous thread, please repost it here. Hello Online Sequencer! This is it! The final 2019 Monthly contest is upon us!
So, what seasonal theme shall there be to start off this year's winter? Why, some hot/desert themed music! Although I guess this might be normal for a lot of you that experience green Christmases on a regular basis...
General Information
The entry period is from 12/1 ~ 12/28 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 1/7/2020!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to relaxing to what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
It's the christmas season everybody! Let's try this again, this time with me personally seeing to the gifts not being lost.
Got someone on OS that you want to send presents to? Need to spread your love and appreciation for George Burdell? Don’t care but you’re reading anyway? Great! I’ll go ahead and knock out the event details.
Event Information
The entry period is from 12/1 ~ 12/24 (11:59 PM EST). Gifts will be announced on 12/25!
This is an event where you can compile a gift to send another person on OS. The gift can be anything— a sequence, a thank you letter, a drawing, something you made IRL, dead memes, just anything as long it’s something you’re okay with it being viewed in public and can be shown in a forum post.
There's no limit to how many gifts you send.
Once you’re finished with your gifts, you’ll need to send it to me in private so I can keep it hidden under the tree until Christmas.
You can submit your entries through my Discord (Kirbyderp#4296) or use the OS Private Messaging system if for some reason you’re really insecure about using Discord.
If you'd like to send a gift anonymously, just specify that when you send the gift to me for safe keeping until Christmas.
On December 25 (around 8:00 AM EST) I will post everyone’s Christmas gift on this thread. Save the date until then!
Hello Online Sequencer, it's that time of year again! Fall is in full effect, and it's time to announce the November Monthly Contest! Also, sorry about getting the announcement up later, I've been out of power all day. >:V
Let's keep calm as we wind down the rest of this year. This month's theme is Lofi/Chill Music!
General Information
The entry period is from 11/1 ~ 11/21 (11:59 PM EST) this time as it has started later. Winners will be announced on 11/30!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to relaxing to what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!