Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2021 May Monthly Contest! Please note that there are a couple of rule changes for this month only in the General Information section.
This one is quite special, as it is the 2020 winner's theme choice contest! The theme is to make funk music!
General Information
The entry period is from 5/1 ~ 5/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 5/31/2021!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are not allowed for this Monthly Contest.
All entries have to be original works for this Monthly Contest.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
It's been a fun few months, but I think it's time for me to take an extended break from OS. Many of you know that I have a full time job as a software engineer, and I've been dividing my time between that and working on new features for OS. I think we've added some cool stuff in my time here, and it's been really rewarding to see what people do with it in the space race. But my job related work has been suffering, and it's time for me to focus on that.
- Liam
P.S. You've probably also seen Lucent's post. We've been talking about work life balance for a bit, and both decided to leave at the same time, to reduce the amount of drama.
It’s been about 6 years that I’ve been on this site and I wanted to thank you all for making great sequences as well as thanking Jacob for fostering such a wonderful community.
Unfortunately I have some life matters to attend to and from this point on I have to be fully committed to studying in college. I feel that OS distracts me too much from what I have to do and for once I want to be responsible for my future.
Well, I usually don’t show it in the chat, but for the longest time I’ve had personal problems with some of the people here and often I felt that it would be better if I left. I acknowledge that the site in general has some infrastructural problems within the community and I feel a bit responsible (since back then I was responsible for the activity on the site).
I came to a realization that some of my behavior on the chat has influenced people negatively and I guess I should apologize for that. Not that it matters now, it’s been a problem for years and some of the people I should say sorry to are long gone.
I don’t have any future plans of updating the Lucent Tutorial as it’s also time-consuming for my schedule. But thank you to all of those who read and support the tutorial. It means a lot to me.
I’m going to ask Jacob to demod me so I’m not so tempted to return to the site as a moderator. Maybe I will come back every now and then to say hi, but I’m not going to have long visits.
I don’t regret any time I’ve spent here. I hope I’ve made a difference for the time I’ve been here. Stay safe and happy sequencing.
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2021 March Monthly Contest!
This month's theme is to create a mashup of previously existing sequences! Please note that, due to the theme of this month's contest, a couple extra rules and clarifications are being made.
General Information
The entry period is from 3/1 ~ 4/14 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 4/30/2021!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
Additional Notes
If any additional rules or clarifications need to be added during this contest, they will be added here and you will be notified of it.
For reference, a mashup consists of combining the elements of multiple songs into one cohesive piece. A medley does not count as a mashup for the purposes of this contest.
You do not necessarily have to combine the melodies of songs to create a mashup. For example, putting one song in the style of another (à la SiIvagunner) would count as a mashup.
Note that only mashups of previously existing sequences are allowed. A sequence is defined as "previously existing" if and only if it was created before the entry period of this contest. As a general rule, if your sources sequences have an ID LESS than 1880076, you should be fine.
Please make sure to follow the User Reposting Permissions List if you choose to use sequences made by other users. If a sequence is owned by a user not listed there, it is acceptable to include that sequence in your mashup.
Include the IDs of the sequences you mashed up in the TITLE of your entry. If they do not fit in the title, put them in a message in the comments of the sequence. Your entry will not be accepted otherwise.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
I have been noticing a lot more spam content surfacing on the forums. I am aware that there are a lot of pre teens and immature people on this site that use the chat and all that, however, I would like to see a better standard at least on the forums.
Forums are for one more public, its meant for more in depth conversations and announcements, as well as a place of smart and informative content.
I personally feel that the way we use the forums really does need work, think before you make a thread.
Happy New Year, Online Sequencer! As of late, the site has implemented many useful updates. Since these updates present a large number of creative opportunities, cork and I would like to announce the OS Space Race of 2021! In this contest, you guys will use the latest sequencer features to discover new sounds and express your ideas to their fullest extent!
For those who remember the World Update Contest in 2018, this contest will be another large-scale contest that will last 4 months—from January 1 until April (TBA). This will be separated into 3 months submission entry (January-March) and 1 month revision (April).
Here are the guidelines for this contest:
Basic sequence etiquette applies—any sequence that does not follow the Online Sequencer Rules will be disqualified.
Each person may submit up to 3 sequences.
Collaborations are allowed and will count towards your max sequence entries. Prizes will be split respectively.
You may only use original songs for this contest—no remixes.
Your sequence must meet these requirements:
At least 1 Marker
At least 1 Instrument with EQ
At least 1 Instrument with Panning
While these are the requirements to qualify your entry, please make use of the features as much as you can! We will look for those who have the best execution and creativity in their entries.
For this year, do not fret about keeping up with the current Monthly Contests—as they will be hosted every other month. I’ve coordinated with Kirbyderp to make sure these don’t cause too much stress and demotivation.
Judging will work similarly to the World Update Contest where cork and I will categorize your sequences based on a specific criteria list. After categorizing your sequences into tiers, we will open a few Google Forms for public voting.
Prizes will be determined as we near the judging period for the contest. There will be OS merch involved for this contest. This post will be updated periodically.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask either me (Lucent) or cork over the website chat/Discord. We hope to hear your sequences soon, good luck!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to kick off the 2021 Monthly Contests!
This month's theme is to create a sequence with an unexpected twist!
General Information
The entry period is from 1/1 ~ 2/14 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 2/28/2021!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2020 December Monthly Contest!
Bear with me here, because this month's contest will require a few extra rules. This month's theme is to choose a picture and try to make a sequence that fits it! Make sure to post the picture with the entry. If you submit both entries in one post, be sure to specify which picture corresponds to which entry.
Image Rules
Please note that these rules could be subject to change during the contest if necessary.
You can create the image yourself if you desire.
GIFs/Videos are not allowed; the picture must be a still image.
Avoid overly unpleasant/grotesque imagery. It will also be restated here that no NSFW media is allowed.
The picture cannot be of a sequence or any other musical work.
The picture cannot be a character with the sequence being a theme of that character.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any pictures violating a rule will automatically be disqualified along with the entry.
General Information
The entry period is from 12/1 ~ 12/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 12/31/2020!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2020 November Monthly Contest!
This month's theme is to make an atmospheric song fit for exploring an unknown or mysterious place.
General Information
The entry period is from 11/1 ~ 11/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 11/30/2020!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
I'm not sure if this should be an explicit rule in the thread that Jacob updated today, but I feel it's best to discuss this problem in a separate thread.
While Online Sequencer is a great platform for making friends and establishing close relationships with them, please understand that this is a music-making site and that music should come first in the discussion.
I get that life can feel like it's out of your control and that you need friends to talk in order to overcome your problems. In the future, I recommend discussing these in private with another person through the chat whisper command (@name) or by using Forum PMs.
Do not make a habit of announcing your problems in public. While I hope you guys find supportive people on here, relaying your problems in public obligates everyone to respond to what you say. This causes a lot of unneeded tension between people who want to be helpful and people who would rather discuss something else.
I'd also like to make a formal apology on my behalf as a moderator. What's important to know is that people undergo different experiences to make them who they are now.
Understandably, not everyone can agree with the way I interact with others, but please don't take this personally. Many people (including me) don't have a lot of emotional patience and have different viewpoints on how to tackle a situation in real life.
At the end of the day, the moderators lean towards handling situations as efficiently as possible, even if it's unfair. It's ultimately our job to keep the chat as usable as possible and there are times that it's difficult to do this in a diplomatic fashion. Moving forward, I hope we can respect each other a little bit more and keep OS a realistic place.