Hello Online Sequencer! This month's theme is to write your own theme song! Please note that, given the nature of the theme, entries should be original works and not covers/remixes.
General Information
The entry period is from 6/1 ~ 6/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 6/30/2024!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
For this month, making a remix of an existing song is not allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! Given the previous circumstances this month, it's time to re-announce the 2024 May Monthly Contest theme! For this month, all entries must have their notes constrained to only two octaves! Markers are allowed, and you get choose the two octaves.
General Information
The entry period is from 5/1 ~ 5/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 5/31/2024!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2024 May Monthly Contest!
This month is a very special theme. It will be the second anniversary of the Backslash Minecraft server, and quite the interesting program has been set up over there. They've made an in-game sequence player that can convert sequences into a note block playable form! As such, this month's theme will be to create sequences that are the best sounding in this note block form!
Given the nature of this contest, please read the special information section below before entering.
Special Information
Any sequence can technically be converted. However, it might not end up sounding the way you'd expect. Here are the various restrictions in what the program converts.
The pitches of notes will be clamped from F#4 to F#5, as that is the pitch range for note blocks.
The range of different instruments is more limited, especially with the percussion instruments. An exact list has not been compiled yet.
There are no sustained notes.
No instrument settings will be read apart from volume and detune.
BPM markers are also compatible.
A web tool for converting sequences is currently being developed for those without Minecraft. In the meantime, if you have Minecraft, you can convert and listen to your sequences as follows:
Follow the steps there to be whitelisted to the Minecraft server.
Once in the Minecraft server, simply run the command "/sequence <id>" to convert the sequence and listen to it in-game!
Specific Instrument Conversions
Here is the current list of how the various online sequencer instruments get converted. Special thanks to Ben for putting this together.
1 Acoustic Guitar
4 Electric Guitar
22 Sitar
32 Jazz Guitar
33 Koto
35 Muted E. Guitar
38 Distortion Guitar
44 Dist. Guitar (Sustain)
49 Clean Guitar
3 Smooth Synth (Classic)
20 Pizzicato
28 Church Organ
45 Cello (Sustain)
46 Violin (Sustain)
47 Strings (Sustain)
5 Bass Guitar (Classic)
29 Slap Bass
37 808 Bass
48 Bass
54 Bass Guitar
6 Synth Pluck
7 Scifi
11 Violin
12 Cello
52 Smooth Synth
9 French Horn
10 Trombone
23 Flute
24 Saxophone
50 French Horn (Sustain)
51 Trombone (Sustain)
13 8-Bit Sine
14 8-Bit Square
15 8-Bit Sawtooth
16 8-Bit Triangle
27 Synth Bass (Classic)
30 Pop Synth (Classic)
55 Synthesizer
56 Synth Bass (Sustain)
57 Pop Synth (Sustain)
19 Xylophone
21 Steel Drums
34 Vibraphone
Drum kits are handled separately. The list for those is still being compiled.
General Information
The entry period is from 5/1 ~ 5/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 5/31/2024!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2024 April Monthly Contest!
As much as I'd love to say that this month's theme is megalovania given the site-wide comic sans, we've already done that bit. Instead, this month's theme is to make world music!
General Information
The entry period is from 4/1 ~ 4/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 4/30/2024!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hey everyone. Due to the somewhat stagnant nature of our moderator list (as many of us are busy in college), I will be re-opening the applications to invite some fresh faces to our team!
The requirements have not changed since the last time I've written this type of post, so I will copy paste some of the requirements from there. You can read my last application announcement over here.
Your account must be at least 2 years old, and that your account must have 300 sequences -OR- at least 1,000 views on one sequence. As also mentioned in a similar post, I will actually check if your account meets these requirements.
In addition, you are expected to commit a few of days of the week to moderate the main site (as opposed to simply moderating from Discord). This will encourage a more active moderation staff to be present on the chat at any given time and discourage moderators from abusing their power off-site.
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2024 March Monthly Contest!
This month's theme is to make goofy music!
General Information
The entry period is from 3/1 ~ 3/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 3/31/2024!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2024 February Monthly Contest!
This month's theme is music for a snowy or icy environment.
General Information
The entry period is from 21 ~ 2/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 2/29/2024! Happy leap year by the way!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! I hope you all had a happy new year. It's time to kick off the 2024 Monthly Contests!
This month's theme is jazz music.
General Information
The entry period is from 1/1 ~ 1/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 1/31/2024!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
Entries that are collaborations should not be posted on a shared alt account. They should be posted to the account of one of the collaborators. You cannot enter a sequence on another account's behalf.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2023 December Monthly Contest!
This month's theme is to create music to shop to.
General Information
The entry period is from 12/1 ~ 12/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 12/31/2023!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors. You cannot "collaborate" with alt accounts. Abusing alts to circumvent the 2 entries per person rule is not allowed.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!
Hello Online Sequencer! It's time to announce the 2023 November Monthly Contest!
This month's theme is to create calming music.
General Information
The entry period is from 11/1 ~ 11/21 (11:59 PM EST). Winners will be announced on 11/30/2023!
While we will post general notes on every contest, please refer to the Monthly Contest announcement thread for more details on Monthly Contests themselves.
Entry limit of 2 sequences per person.
Committee members are allowed to enter the contests, but will not enter their example sequence nor will they vote for their own entry.
Sequences made prior to the current Monthly Contest are allowed, although entering the same sequence in different Monthly Contests is not. If you are unsure about whether or not you have entered a sequence in a previous monthly contest, a list of all the sequences that have been entered into previous monthly contests can be found here.
Making a remix of an existing song is allowed.
Editing an entry after the entry period is strictly prohibited and will result in that entry being disqualified.
Collaborations on entries are allowed, but any points that the piece might receive are divided up equally between the contributors.
The standard Online Sequencer Rules will apply and any entries violating a rule will automatically be disqualified.
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck to you all!